What to Do With Your Wedding Dress After the Wedding

What to Do With Your Wedding Dress After the Wedding

After your big day, you may be wondering what to do with your wedding dress. Should you keep it as a keepsake? Sell it? Or donate it to charity? There are many options to consider, and the best decision for you will depend on your individual circumstances.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision:

Once you've considered your options, you can start to make a decision about what to do with your wedding dress. Here are a few additional tips to help you make the best choice for you:

What to Do With Your Wedding Dress After the Wedding

After your big day, you'll be left with a beautiful wedding dress. But what do you do with it now? Here are 8 ideas:

  • Preserve it.
  • Sell it.
  • Donate it.
  • Repurpose it.
  • Rent it out.
  • Display it.
  • Make a quilt.
  • Pass it down.

Ultimately, the best way to decide what to do with your wedding dress is to consider your own personal style and preferences. There is no right or wrong answer, so choose the option that feels best for you.

Preserve it.

If you want to keep your wedding dress as a keepsake, you'll need to preserve it properly. This will help to protect the fabric and prevent it from yellowing or fading over time. There are two main methods of wedding dress preservation: dry cleaning and encapsulation.

**Dry cleaning** is the most common method of wedding dress preservation. It involves cleaning the dress with a solvent to remove dirt and stains. Once the dress is clean, it is pressed and then stored in a sealed box.

**Encapsulation** is a newer method of wedding dress preservation that is becoming increasingly popular. It involves sealing the dress in a special airtight container that is filled with an inert gas. This prevents the dress from coming into contact with oxygen and moisture, which can cause damage.

Both dry cleaning and encapsulation are effective methods of wedding dress preservation. The best method for you will depend on the fabric of your dress and your budget.

Once your dress has been preserved, you can store it in a cool, dark place. Avoid storing it in a plastic bag, as this can trap moisture and cause the dress to yellow. Instead, store the dress in a breathable fabric bag or box.

Sell it.

If you're not planning on keeping your wedding dress, you can sell it to recoup some of the cost. There are a few different ways to sell a wedding dress, including:

  • **Online marketplaces:** There are a number of online marketplaces where you can sell your wedding dress, such as eBay, Stillwhite, and Preowned Wedding Dresses. When selling your dress online, be sure to take clear photos and write a detailed description.
  • **Consignment shops:** Consignment shops sell used clothing, including wedding dresses. When selling your dress to a consignment shop, you'll typically get less money than if you sell it yourself, but it's a good option if you don't want to deal with the hassle of selling it yourself.
  • **Local bridal salons:** Some local bridal salons will sell used wedding dresses. This is a good option if you want to sell your dress quickly and easily.

When selling your wedding dress, it's important to be realistic about the price. You're unlikely to get back the full amount that you paid for it, but you should be able to get a fair price for it.

Once you've sold your wedding dress, be sure to clean it before giving it to the new owner. This will help to ensure that the dress is in good condition for its next use.

Donate it.

If you're not planning on keeping or selling your wedding dress, you can donate it to charity. This is a great way to give your dress a new life and help someone in need.

  • Donate to a local women's shelter. Women's shelters often accept donations of wedding dresses, which they can then give to women who are getting married but cannot afford to buy a dress.

  • Donate to a thrift store. Thrift stores often sell donated wedding dresses at a discounted price. This is a good option if you want to make sure that your dress is sold to someone who will appreciate it.

  • Donate to a museum. Some museums collect and display wedding dresses. If your dress is particularly unique or historically significant, you may be able to donate it to a museum.

  • Donate to a bridal boutique. Some bridal boutiques accept donations of used wedding dresses. The boutique may then sell the dress at a discounted price or use it for display purposes.

When donating your wedding dress, be sure to clean it first. You should also include a note with the dress that explains its history and any special significance it may have.

Repurpose it.

If you're not ready to part with your wedding dress but you don't want to keep it in its original form, you can repurpose it. There are a number of ways to repurpose a wedding dress, including:

  • **Turn it into a christening gown.** If you have a daughter or granddaughter, you can repurpose your wedding dress into a christening gown. This is a beautiful way to pass down your wedding dress to the next generation.
  • **Make it into a quilt.** You can cut up your wedding dress and use the fabric to make a quilt. This is a great way to preserve the memories of your wedding day.
  • **Create a shadow box display.** You can frame a piece of your wedding dress and display it in a shadow box. This is a simple but elegant way to display your wedding dress.
  • **Use it to make accessories.** You can use the fabric from your wedding dress to make a variety of accessories, such as a veil, a garter, or a hairpiece. This is a great way to use up any leftover fabric and create something new.

When repurposing your wedding dress, be sure to use high-quality materials and construction techniques. This will help to ensure that your repurposed item is durable and lasts for many years to come.


Jika Anda tidak berencana untuk menyimpan atau menjual gaun pengantin Anda, Anda bisa menyewakannya kepada orang lain. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan uang kembali dari gaun Anda dan membantu orang lain menghemat biaya pernikahan mereka.

  • Sewa ke toko pengantin. Beberapa toko pengantin menerima gaun pengantin bekas untuk disewakan. Ini adalah pilihan yang baik jika Anda ingin memastikan bahwa gaun Anda dirawat dengan baik dan disewakan kepada orang yang akan menghargainya.
  • Sewa secara pribadi. Anda juga dapat menyewakan gaun pengantin Anda secara pribadi melalui situs web atau media sosial. Ini adalah pilihan yang baik jika Anda ingin lebih mengontrol siapa yang menyewa gaun Anda dan berapa biayanya.
  • Sewa untuk pemotretan. Beberapa fotografer menyewa gaun pengantin untuk pemotretan. Ini adalah pilihan yang baik jika Anda ingin gaun Anda digunakan dalam pemotretan yang indah dan tidak keberatan jika gaun itu dipakai oleh orang lain.
  • Sewa untuk acara khusus. Anda juga dapat menyewakan gaun pengantin Anda untuk acara khusus, seperti pesta kostum atau pesta bertema. Ini adalah pilihan yang baik jika Anda ingin gaun Anda digunakan untuk acara yang menyenangkan dan tidak keberatan jika gaun itu dipakai oleh orang lain.

Saat menyewakan gaun pengantin Anda, pastikan untuk membersihkannya terlebih dahulu. Anda juga harus menyertakan catatan dengan gaun yang menyatakan sejarahnya dan segala detail penting lainnya.

Display it.

If you want to keep your wedding dress but don't want to store it away in a box, you can display it. There are a number of ways to display a wedding dress, including:

  • Hang it on a mannequin. This is a classic way to display a wedding dress. You can purchase a mannequin that is specifically designed for wedding dresses, or you can use a regular mannequin and cover it with a white sheet or fabric.
  • Frame it. You can frame a piece of your wedding dress and hang it on the wall. This is a great way to preserve a special memory from your wedding day.
  • Put it in a shadow box. A shadow box is a three-dimensional frame that can be used to display a variety of items. You can put your wedding dress in a shadow box and add other items, such as your wedding invitations, photos, or jewelry.
  • Use it as a centerpiece. You can use your wedding dress as a centerpiece for a table or shelf. This is a great way to add a touch of elegance to your home décor.

When displaying your wedding dress, be sure to protect it from dust and sunlight. You should also store it in a cool, dry place.

Make a quilt.

If you're crafty, you can use your wedding dress to make a quilt. This is a beautiful way to preserve the memories of your wedding day and create a unique keepsake that you can cherish for years to come.

  • Cut the dress into squares. The first step is to cut your wedding dress into squares. You can use a rotary cutter and a quilting ruler to ensure that your squares are all the same size.
  • Sew the squares together. Once you have cut your squares, you can sew them together into rows. Be sure to use a strong thread and a small stitch length to ensure that your quilt is durable.
  • Add a backing and batting. Once you have sewn the rows together, you can add a backing and batting to your quilt. The backing will protect the quilt from wear and tear, and the batting will add warmth and insulation.
  • Quilt the layers together. The final step is to quilt the layers of your quilt together. You can do this by hand or by machine. There are a variety of quilting stitches that you can use, so choose one that you like and that will complement your quilt.

Once you have quilted your quilt, you can bind the edges to give it a finished look. You can use a variety of binding methods, so choose one that you like and that will complement your quilt.

Pass it down.

If you have a daughter or granddaughter, you may want to pass your wedding dress down to her. This is a beautiful tradition that can be passed down through generations. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you plan to pass your wedding dress down:

  • Make sure the dress is in good condition. If your wedding dress is damaged or stained, it may not be suitable to pass down. You should have the dress professionally cleaned and repaired before passing it down.
  • Store the dress properly. If you are not planning to pass the dress down right away, you should store it properly to prevent it from being damaged. You should store the dress in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and dust.
  • Talk to your daughter or granddaughter. Before you pass the dress down, talk to your daughter or granddaughter to see if she is interested in wearing it. You should also discuss any alterations that may need to be made to the dress to ensure that it fits her properly.
  • Write a letter to your daughter or granddaughter. If you pass the dress down, consider writing a letter to your daughter or granddaughter explaining the history of the dress and any special memories that you have associated with it.

Passing down your wedding dress is a beautiful way to share your wedding day with your loved ones. By following these tips, you can ensure that your dress is passed down in good condition and that it is cherished by your family for generations to come.


Here are some frequently asked questions about what to do with your wedding dress after the wedding:

Question 1: What is the best way to preserve my wedding dress?
Answer 1: The best way to preserve your wedding dress is to have it professionally cleaned and then stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and dust.

Question 2: Can I sell my wedding dress?
Answer 2: Yes, you can sell your wedding dress. There are a number of ways to sell your dress, including online marketplaces, consignment shops, and local bridal salons.

Question 3: Can I donate my wedding dress?
Answer 3: Yes, you can donate your wedding dress to a number of different organizations, including women's shelters, thrift stores, and museums.

Question 4: Can I repurpose my wedding dress?
Answer 4: Yes, you can repurpose your wedding dress in a number of ways, including turning it into a christening gown, a quilt, or a shadow box display.

Question 5: Can I rent out my wedding dress?
Answer 5: Yes, you can rent out your wedding dress to other brides. There are a number of different ways to rent out your dress, including through online marketplaces and local bridal salons.

Question 6: Can I display my wedding dress?
Answer 6: Yes, you can display your wedding dress in a number of ways, including hanging it on aTensionmannequin, framing it, or putting it in a shadow box.

Question 7: Can I pass down my wedding dress?
Answer 7: Yes, you can pass down your wedding dress to your daughter or granddaughter. However, it is important to make sure that the dress is in good condition and that it is stored properly.

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about what to do with your wedding dress after the wedding. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask a professional.


Here are a few tips for what to do with your wedding dress after the wedding:

Tip 1: Decide what you want to do with your dress as soon as possible. This will give you time to research your options and make the best decision for you.

Tip 2: Consider your budget. Some options, such as preservation and restoration, can be expensive. Be sure to factor in the cost when making your decision.

Tip 3: Get professional help if needed. If you are not sure how to preserve or repurpose your dress, consider getting professional help. A seamstress or conservator can help you ensure that your dress is cared for properly.

Tip 4: Store your dress properly. If you are not planning to wear or display your dress again, be sure to store it properly to prevent damage. Store the dress in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and dust.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding dress is cared for properly and that you can enjoy it for years to come.


After your wedding day, you may be wondering what to do with your wedding dress. There are a number of options to consider, including preserving it, selling it, donating it, repurposing it, renting it out, displaying it, making a quilt, or passing it down. The best decision for you will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences.

If you are not sure what to do with your wedding dress, consider the following tips:

  • Decide what you want to do with your dress as soon as possible.
  • Consider your budget.
  • Get professional help if needed.
  • Store your dress properly.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding dress is cared for properly and that you can enjoy it for years to come.

No matter what you decide to do with your wedding dress, remember that it is a symbol of your special day. Cherish it and enjoy it for years to come.

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